Facial Veins Specialist

South Shore Vein and Aesthetic Medicine
Dual Board-Certified Vein and Aesthetic Specialist located in Rockville Centre, NY
Facial veins around your eyes, nose, or anywhere else on your face can be irritating and embarrassing. They can also result in dangerous complications if treated incorrectly. Fortunately, you can treat facial veins, and reclaim your clear face with help from David Jacobs, MD, DABR, DABVLM, a renowned vein specialist, at South Shore Vein and Aesthetic Medicine in Rockville Centre, New York. To learn more about treatments for facial veins, call the office or book an appointment online today.
Facial Veins Q & A
Where might I develop facial veins?
The face is a very common area for vascular lesions such as spider veins. Common areas for facial veins can include:
Under-eye area
Facial veins under your eyes are typically blue and often look like dark circles. Blue veins around the eyes can be especially prominent if you have thin under-eye skin or if your veins are superficial.
Facial veins around the nose are often tiny threadlike branches on the sides of your nostrils, but they can appear anywhere on your nose.
Facial veins can also appear on your eyelids, cheeks, forehead, temples, and chin.
No matter where your facial veins appear, Dr. Jacobs has noninvasive state-of-the-art solutions waiting for you at South Shore Vein and Aesthetic Medicine.
How are facial veins treated?
Dr. Jacobs uses several different facial vein treatments. He customizes your treatment for the type of vein, the area it appears in, and your individual needs. Treatment options include:
VeinGogh is an advanced vein treatment solution that uses a process called ohmic thermolysis to treat benign vascular lesions like spider veins. The VeinGogh device uses an ultrathin needle probe to deliver microbursts of high-frequency energy into the unwanted vascular lesions. Microbursts generate heat directly into the blood vessel and then dissipate almost instantly.
This heat burst immediately triggers blood coagulation, which in turn causes the vein wall to collapse. Your body absorbs and eliminates the vein tissue gradually. VeinGogh targets only the unwanted vascular lesions, so your surrounding skin is undamaged.
Sclerotherapy, in which Dr. Jacobs injects a sclerosing solution into your unwanted veins using thin needles, may be a good solution for some types of facial veins, such as under-eye blue facial veins. Veins treated with sclerotherapy fade naturally as your body absorbs the vein tissue.
Dr. Jacobs can help you choose the ideal treatment for your facial veins.
To learn more about treatments for facial veins, call South Shore Vein and Aesthetic Medicine to schedule your appointment or book one online today.